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Saturday, December 31, 2011

My Opinion On Teacher's Profession

There are professions – vocations – and people surrender themselves wholly to these professions. Undoubtedly, the profession of a teacher is one of them.
Even if you want to be a teacher you can’t become a good one. You must be born one. Love for children, an ability to communicate with them, understand and teach them – these are the most important qualities of a genuine teacher. An ability to be a genuine teacher is God’s gift; it’s a talent like the talent of a writer, an artist or a musician. In my point of view it’s even more – it’s fate. I think a teacher is like a sculptor: he moulds a personality out of a child like a sculptor creates a beautiful statue out of clay.
Pedagogy is a very complex and responsible study; probably, no less responsible than medicine. As a patient hands to the doctor the most expensive thing – his life, so parents entrust the teacher with the most valuable creature – their child. And mainly it depends on a teacher what kind of person a child will grow up to be: a genius or a villain. If you have been dreaming of become a teacher since your childhood, it’s not a problem nowadays.
The profession of a teacher combines both joy and sorrow. A person who gets pedagogical training should master a lot of knowledge. But the main thing he should understand is according to what laws and rules the personality of a child develops. The most important of them are love and mercy. Doctors have a rule: “Don’t do harm”. I think teachers must also follow this rules, because there is nothing more valuable than children and it depends on teachers what kind of people the children will become. In my opinion, a teacher is responsible for all his pupils.
Teaching and learning resources used by all teachers and citizenship education in schools involved varies according to the ability of the budget the schools and infrastructure facilities such as computer lab and resource room or centre is equipped with materials and teaching resources. There are existing schools to purchase teaching and learning resources available on the market and there are also schools that are not able to buy and just use the teaching and learning resources available and produced by the teachers concerned. But the teachers involved in our study group set up, take a positive attitude by finding their own initiative to ensure that learning objectives accomplished by using a source of teaching materials. This has indirectly taught us to not become too dependent on teaching and learning resources to conduct a class. Teaching resources used are intended to help teachers to achieve the learning objectives more quickly and ease of understanding the content of the pupils during the delivery of the learning process place in your classroom is to help teachers easily control classroom when their attention is drawn to the uniqueness of the sources when teachers use instructional materials. In addition we are also aware that to be an excellent and dedicated teachers, we need to be more creative as pupils easily become bored with the same teaching methods and they will start to lose focus and the resulting set of learning objectives cannot be achieved. Finally, we unanimously concluded that the use of resources and teaching materials is essential and very important to any school due to the response received during and throughout the case studies conducted. Only the use of materials and 19 teaching resources differ in the ability of schools and teachers. School's capacity is meant here is a facility provided by the school either in the form of infrastructure or the number of PCG budget by subject, and teachers are referred to the teachers whether to use or not the source of instructional materials in teaching and the nature of any that it deems appropriate to the topic of instruction to be taught by the teacher to his disciples after felt it was appropriate to the level of students.
Teaching is a profession that involves continuous learning and re-learning. Its impact on society is long term and long lasting. Teachers are therefore key nation builders. To be a gold mine of knowledge, we must make a profession out of teaching and teaching as a profession cannot be treated like just another job or source of income. Teachers have direct impact on the lives of children and young people and therefore the future of the nation. In the era of globalisation, the challenges for teachers to upgrade their skills were demanding especially with the evolution in teaching methods and academic content brought about by information and communication technology.
The teacher is one of the pillars of the society and the country. Without good teachers, no country can progress. The importance of teachers in the life of a nation cannot be overlooked. The teacher influences the immature minds of-the youth. He treats and moulds the young mind into various forms. The future of the nation is built him through the process of education. As nation which tries to march ahead on the road to progress must do so with the help of able teachers. A nation cannot afford to leave its future in the hands of incompetent teachers. According to a philosopher, "The world of tomorrow will be born from the schools of today." Thus the teacher is very significant as the builder of the nation.
In the past, there were highly competent teachers. They were held in high esteem by all sections of the society. Even the kings and rulers paid great respect to them. They used to look up to their teachers for guidance and advice in the hour of crisis. In those days, teachers were the true benefactors of society. They were the trustees of common welfare. History is full of examples that great decisions of vital importance were taken by kings on the advice of their teachers or gurus. Alexander, the Great was indebted to his teacher, Aristotle for the knowledge and advice given to him from time to time. Thus teachers in the past enjoyed a place of esteem and reverence.
However, those times have passed. Now the teacher does not hold as much esteem as he did in the past. Teachers have lost their old glory. Now they are looked down upon in society. Their economic condition is also miserable. We know that our country is economically backward and the standard of the masses is very low. Burin this system, the teacher stands on the lowest rung of the ladder.
Moreover, the nature of society has changed. We have become materialistic. In this society, only those people command respects that have power and money. Thus an illiterate minister gets more respect than a highly qualified and scholarly teacher. The society of the past which respected teachers has vanished. The poor teacher does not enjoy much prestige in the society of today. The proliferation of private schools, which are merely teaching shops, is another reason of the decline of a teacher's prestige. These schools employ teachers at very low salaries and the teachers cannot give his best to the students. The teacher suffers in many other ways also. A person who fails in getting a job and is rejected by his employers, blames his teachers for his own failures. In this way also, the teaching profession has been disgraced. As less attention is paid to education these days, he teacher has also lost prestige.
There is a great dissatisfaction and frustration among teachers. Working conditions in schools and colleges are appalling. It is very sad that the persons in charge of education are themselves quite ignorant. They look down upon teachers as mere employees and nothing else. In such conditions, the teacher feels helpless and frustrated.
To some extent, teachers are also to be blamed for this state of affairs. Many teachers also look upon their duty as a service only. In the present time many incompetent teachers get jobs through bribery or approach. Such teachers do not build the society; they destroy it. They mar the future of their students. Such teachers indulge in mal practices. They form unions and ignore the teaching work. They do not have any rapport with students. They exploit students for their own selfish purposes. Such teachers are responsible for spoiling the image of the whole teaching community.
However, the fact remains the teacher is the builder of society. If a nation ignores its teachers it soon finds itself on the path of decline.
Education is a complicated process. Not only the teacher, but so many other agencies also take part in educating the youth. We are all aware of the influence of the cinema on the minds of children. How quickly they imitate the ways of dressing, walking and talking of their favorite stars is a matter of common experience. The television has also become quite popular. This too has its influence on children. Various other public activities like elections and meetings of political parties also serve as agencies of education. Rather, he has a very limited influence.
Today, education is increasingly being regarded as the major weapon in the crusade for supremacy on the economic front. Television, telephone and computers are reshaping practically every walk of life, including education. The classrooms of tomorrow could be entirely different from those of today. The teachers will play a very significant role. It would not only be complex but also full of challenges, because dependence on the teacher will gradually diminish for an individual leaner. The television, telephone and computer will take over and encourage self-learning. Distance education may reduce the need to devote much time within the four walls of the classroom. New techniques of assessment will be available to the realistic assessment would also provide an opportunity for self-directed improvement by the learner, which is rare in the existing system.
However, the situation is not so depressing for a teacher. The importance of the role of the teachers as an agent of change, promoting understanding and tolerance has become more obvious and is likely to become even more critical in the 21st century . This places enormous responsibilities on teachers who participate in the molding of the character and minds of the new generation.
Indeed, it will be unfortunate for our country, if conditions of the teaching profession are allowed to deteriorate further. Let all round improvement be made in the conditions of the teachers without any further delay. Then only they will be able to play their vital role as nation builders. Then alone will education become a vital source of national integration.

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